B U I L D I N G   A  
S U S T A I N A B L E  
Building a Sustainable Future

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  • Common Questions Asked

The Top 9 Environmentally Friendly Tips to Save the Planet:
1. Simplify Your Purchasing Habits.
2. Reduce Your Energy Usage.
3. Give Up Your Plastic Habit.
4. Eat Less Meat.
5. Refuse and Reduce Before You Recycle.
6. Make Smart Updates that Last.
7. Compost.
8. Plant a Tree.

To build a sustainable future, you need to implement the following practices:
1. Invest in disruptive practices and green technologies. Disruptive means of production will be essential for transitioning from traditional to sustainable development.
2. Incentivize businesses to invest in sustainable development.

Sustainable actions help make a real difference in society. Being committed to sustainability will reduce your carbon footprint and the amount of toxins released into the environment, making it safe. When we focus on sustainability, the entire world benefits and gets to live in clean, more healthy living conditions.
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